Software engineer, bug slayer, and coffee enthusiast.
I'm Ollie, a full-stack software engineer and product creative based in London city. I find joy in building things that live on the internet, from sleek user interfaces to robust backend systems.
Building a data pipeline is one challenge, but transitioning it from beta to production with live users is another beast entirely. Here's how we flipped the switch on StudySpy's new standardized data system without breaking what thousands of students rely on daily.
In 2024, I set out on an ambitious goal to travel the world and write code. I wanted to see more, I wanted to learn more & most of all, I wanted to experience more. This is the story of how I balanced building software with exploring new cultures, and what I learned along the way being a digital nomad.
This year, I took on an exciting challenge: rebuilding StudySpy's data pipeline from the ground up. While thousands of students use the platform to navigate their educational journey in New Zealand, I wanted to share the story of how we standardised the complex system working behind the scenes.
How I built StudySpy's Public API from scratch: A solo developer's journey through tech choices, security challenges, and creating real value. Learn key strategies for your own API projects.